Coming Up Really Short of My Goals
2022 was going to be the year!
I had high hopes, this was going to be not just a good year but MY year. The year I’d been planning on, striving for, and hoping for since…. I can’t even tell you.
I was convinced I would break out, become a reader favorite. Break through and double or triple my social media following. Finally get my energy levels and emotional levels together so that I could exercise losing this second grader around my middle.
Can you feel the hope? Its a warm ball of sunshine.
Hold it in your hand, let the warmth soothe your spirit.
Now, dash it on the ground.
That’s how 2022 went for me and the twenty goals I wrote. Have you seen the viral video of a woman reviewing her 2022 goals by crossing out, and renaming them?
Even that type of creative editing wouldn’t help me…I officially completed one goal – I paid off my auto loan and I paid it off early. I was giddy when I hit the button, twirling in my office chair, laughing manically, smiling so hard my jaws hurt.
I partially completed four goals. I gave myself partial credit if I was 75% or more done. Learning to swim was included in this category, I am no longer deathly afraid of the water, and can kick with the best of them. However, I haven’t mastered the art of turning my body to breathe which means I’m not up to swimming laps. Not quite a full success story yet, but not a failure either.
Which means I did less than 75% on fifteen goals, it’s so embarrassing.
But as my MuDear loved to say, ‘…a hard head makes a soft behind…’ and my proverbial hard head combined with the fact that I feel no shame means I have even more goals for 2023.
How did your goal setting and completing go in 2022? Did you do better than I did? Are you setting goals for 2023? Have you given up that goal life altogether?
I most definitely won’t be posting more here before the end of the year, so I’ll wish all of you a Happy Holiday for whatever day, spirit, or god you believe in and an even Happier and Productive New Year!